Sunday, September 23, 2007

Who are the guys living in India today?

Who is a modern Indian? What I am trying to understand and ask is who are the people living in India today?

The country has a known history of about 12000 years. If you look at the Geography around India, you will find that it is a land of rivers. A town like Belgaum has over 100 streams of fresh water. The state of Punjab is called as the land of five rivers. The surrounding countries like Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, China, and Burma are basically deserts. So it is natural that people from these countries traveled into India and many stayed there.

There is a saying in India that there are 18 different styles of turbans and 1800 different races in India. This should tell us how many different kind of people live in the country.

All these different people were welcome into the Hindu community, with out any qualms. It goes to the credit of the open mindedness of the people of the region that everyone has been welcome into their folds, irrespective of the race or religion.

Keeping that in perspective, I am always surprised that people call the Hindus as fanatics and intolerant. There are fanatics in every religion, and those are always bad for every religion. However let us consider the fact that how many different races are living in that country, before we start calling those guys names.


Unknown said...

Indians are hailed for their religious tolerance and a few fanatics can't undo this fame. We, the Indians, are proud of our country, its rich culture and heritage. To catch a glimpse of the Indian history via some old images, a visit to is worth your time.

workhard said...

Good perspective..

India is very diverse in terms of culture, religions and traditions all living in harmony.. its only a handful of ppl who ignite communal violence purely due to political reasons..

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